07 January 2025

Community Planning Session

Time: 4pm to 6pm

Location: Grassed area at the entry to the McEwens Beach Reserve on route to the swimming enclosure

Join us to learn more about:

  • Where planting is proposed.
  • How the species to be planted were selected and how these will be arranged within the planting area.
  • Plans to improve access to the beach and protect the new planting.
  • Options to relocate the existing picnic settings to make them more accessible and move them back from the beach escarpment.

What to expect?

  • Chat with council officers and representatives from the McEwens Beach Progress Association about the project.
  • Provide feedback on the proposed scope of the project.
  • Suggest specific native plant species for inclusion or exclusion.

Should you have any enquiries, please contact council’s Community Engagement team on 1300 MACKAY (622 529)