Project update: June 2, 2022

Mirani Community Precinct detailed design complete
Plans for a redeveloped Mirani Community Precinct have reached another milestone with detailed design complete.
The project is now shovel-ready, with council to seek funding to enable construction to go ahead.
The Mirani Community Precinct redevelopment will be on the site of the existing council administration offices, library, and museum in Victoria Street.
Mayor Greg Williamson said renders done as part of the detailed design highlighted how eye-catching this precinct would be.
“It will be an important stop on the tourist drive to the upper Pioneer Valley, including our future mountain bike trails between Eungella and Finch Hatton,’’ he said.
“The precinct will celebrate the uniqueness of Mirani, its people and history. It is fitting that the design for the main façade has been inspired by a cane rail bin.”
The precinct will include:
- Mirani Museum
- Mirani Library
- community workshop and meeting spaces
- youth space
- Council’s Customer Service Centre and QGAP services
- A Bank of Queensland sub-branch
- Council’s Civil Engineering and Pest Management teams
- hair salon
- public toilets
Above: Aerial view of precinct
Above: Customer service area

*Note: These are concepts only and are subject to funding
The Mirani Community Precinct Detailed Design is proudly funded by the Queensland Government in association with Mackay Regional Council