Why is this program occurring?

    Turtle nests and hatchlings are at significant risk due to increased predation by invasive European Red Foxes. Turtles are a threatened species and by controlling the invasive fox population, we aim to safeguard the baby turtles to increase their chances of survival.  

    Migratory shorebird populations are also at risk due to increased fox activity in the area.

    Who is completing the program?

    The shooting will be carried out by a highly trained shooter and spotter, with strict safety protocols in place. The utmost care for the safety of the community will be taken.

    What safety measures are being put in place?

    Trained personnel will be undertaking the shooting. There will also be signage in place to indicate the no public access area while shooting is taking place. 

    When will trapping occur?

    Trapping may occur between January and March for the remainder of the nesting season as turtle hatchlings emerge.

    How can you keep your pets safe?

    Pets should be kept secured within your property during the shooting program. Council suggests keeping pets who are sensitive to loud noises inside. 

    At other times, while traps are in place, pets should remain on a leash when outside of your property. Domestic cats should be secured within your yard or in an enclosure or inside the home. 

    Reporting the use of firearms outside program timeframe

    Queensland Police Service are aware of this program. 

    Any sounds of firearms being discharged outside of the specified times should be reported immediately to Queensland Police by calling 000.