Project update #7 - August 15, 2022

World Trail to complete surveying works!
International trail experts, World Trail, will be surveying the proposed trail network for the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails project over the next two weeks, weather permitting.
Two teams will be "ground truthing" the wilderness trails from Eungella to Finch Hatton and the remaining trails on the hills behind Finch Hatton.
As part of this work, they will be assessing the terrain and mapping their preferred trail alignments.
To date, World Trail have mapped 37 kilometres of our trails, and they will complete the remaining 63 kilometres over the next two weeks.
To stay up-to-date on the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails project, subscribe to project update emails on the right-hand side of this page.
The Queensland Government has contributed $500,000 towards this project including the detailed design of the trailhead and environmental assessments.