Finch Hatton flood study
The Finch Hatton township is located approximately 60 kilometres West of Mackay adjacent to Cattle Creek, a major tributary of the Pioneer River. Council commissioned engineering consultants Water Technology in the second half of 2023 to prepare an updated flood study that improves existing flood information and will inform planning for Finch Hatton.
The Finch Hatton Flood Study (Water Technology, 2024) is a detailed flood study update for Finch Hatton. The Study updates the Finch Hatton Flood Study prepared by consultants WRM for the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) in 2013. The 2024 Study covers an area larger than the 2013 study including a greater length of Cattle Creek, Finch Hatton Creek and overland flows from the surrounding hills.
The Study has involved detailed hydrology modelling supported by flood frequency analysis and calibration to historical flood events. The study has enhanced the confidence in the modelling for the Cattle Creek catchment.
Peak flows estimated at the Finch Hatton TM Alert (Higham Bridge) are lower than that of the previous WRM (2013) modelling. For example, the 1% (1 in 100) Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) event flows on Cattle Creek at Higham Bridge are 2,128 m3/s for this study (using the URBS hydrology model) and were 3,549 m3/s in the WRM (2013) study.
The Study found that the Finch Hatton levee near Anzac Parade and Peoples Street has an estimated immunity up to a 10% (1 in 10) AEP event with overtopping from Cattle Creek floodplain flows occurring during a 5% (1 in 20) AEP event. At this location the overtopping occurs where local tributary flows from the south meet the floodplain flows from Cattle Creek.
The levee at the Showgrounds has an estimated immunity of 0.5% (1 in 200) AEP with more than 800mm of freeboard for the 1% AEP event.
The study identifies that there may be opportunity to adjust the levee’s design to better align with the hydraulic grade line of the creek to achieve optimal immunity objectives.
The Finch Hatton Flood Study (Water Technology 2024) will be incorporated into council’s systems and community engagement will be undertaken to discuss the outcomes of the study, the flood risk management and the draft planning scheme amendment.
Please contact the Strategic Planning team on 1300 MACKAY (622 529) or email link), should you require any further information.