Project update #8 - September 6, 2022

Lots to do at the Finch Hatton Trailhead site!
The Finch Hatton trailhead site will be a place where you start and finish your mountain bike adventure and enjoy a family day out.
The design for the trailhead site on Lot 11 Anzac Parade, Finch Hatton, has been completed.
The design is based on the extensive consultation that council had with the Pioneer Valley community and industry experts last year.
The site will include:
- a landscape buffer zone between the residential properties and the trailhead site
- historical features
- a pump track
- footpaths
- picnic shelters
- toilets
- recreational open space
- a bike wash area
- overflow parking
- connection to the trails and township.
The design has been included in the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trail Stage 1 Development Application (DA), which has now been lodged. The DA was lodged by a consultant on behalf of the project team and will be considered by council and the State Government over the coming months.
Whilst the DA is being reviewed, the project team will be working on stage 2 of the trail alignments and seeking the required approvals.
Council will hold another community update session before the end of the year, to update everyone on the project, including the status of the Stage 1 works (the Finch Hatton Trailhead site and 14 trails).
To stay up-to-date on this project, subscribe to project update emails on the right-hand side of this page.
The Queensland Government have contributed towards design elements of the project, including the detailed design of the trailhead and environmental assessments.