Project update #2: November 27, 2019
Mountain bike park project pedals forward
An investigation into the feasibility of a mountain bike park in the Pioneer Valley has revealed a wealth of opportunities.
The business case and feasibility study, prepared by Otium Planning Group World Trail, considers the trail network concept, construction/maintenance costs and economic benefits.
They also undertook consultation with targeted stakeholders to address any ideas, issues or concerns with the Eungella-Finch Hatton Mountain Bike Park project.
Mayor Greg Williamson said the investigation presented some exciting opportunities for the region.
“The business case estimates that the mountain bike park will attract more than 22,000 riders annually,” he said.
“This will include about 19,000 non-resident visitors by its fourth year of operation.
“It is also expected to generate 28 full-time equivalent jobs during construction and would support 28 new jobs in its first year of operation, increasing to 67 jobs by year 10.”
Mayor Williamson said the Eungella-Finch Hatton Mountain Bike Park would deliver 100km of national-international standard mountain bike track across 11 individual trails as proposed by the business case.
“The trail network will span from Eungella to Finch Hatton,” he said.
“Most of the trail network will be located within National Park and State Forest, however four parcels of freehold land will need to be purchased to facilitate the trail network concept and infrastructure.”
Council will now begin negotiations with landowners regarding freehold land purchase and commence work on a detailed design for the mountain bike park.
A Regional Mountain Bike Alliance will also be established to act as the key reference and coordination group to support the delivery of the mountain bike strategy and its specific actions.
The total capital cost of the mountain bike park is estimated between $10.7 and $12.6 million.