Project update #4: August 31, 2020
Mountain Bike Trail Community Update
Council presented Community Update sessions to Eungella and Finch Hatton residents on August 20, 2020.
Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions, attendance was limited. To ensure all community members have access to the information provided during the update, you can click here to view the presentation.
Click here to view the proposed trail network map which was presented to attendees.
The proposed trail network offers 100km plus of concept trail alignments, covering a broad range of trail experiences suitable for all rider abilities. It is important to note that the proposal is based on desktop studies only. Depending on stakeholder approvals, the final trail network will be confirmed during the detailed trail design phase. This will be in accordance with requirements identified in the ecological and cultural heritage assessments.
The next steps are:
- Seek approvals from related stakeholders and government agencies
- Local area planning
- Development of Finch Hatton trail head master plan
- Engage local community and tourism interests
- Secure funding
- Detailed trail design
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