Project Update #51 - March 21, 2023

You're invited... to a branding workshop
Local residents are invited to a branding workshop for the Pioneer Valley Mountain Bike Trails project.
Council's branding consultants, Destination Marketing Store and Swell Design, will be in Finch Hatton on Sunday, and they are keen to engage with the local community to better understand the attributes and values that make the Pioneer Valley a destination of choice.
The purpose of this session is to help develop a consumer-led mountain bike destination brand that:
- Appeals to both national and international audiences
- Supports the delivery of exceptional tourism experiences that will drive growth in market share and overnight visitation
- Achieves greater tourism interest for the Mackay region; locally, nationally and internationally.
Community workshop details:
Date: Sunday, March 26
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Venue: Finch Hatton Showground Hall
Light refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP council's community engagement officer Rebecca Batzloff on 0460 014 780 or email by Thursday, March 23.
Please note workshops with also be held with local progress associations, Mackay Tourism, local businesses and the Mountain Bike Alliance. Please only RSVP to one workshop, as numbers are limited.