Project update: July 14, 2021
Northern Beaches traffic planning a key action of transport strategy
Planning for growth in the Northern Beaches is one of the key priorities of a comprehensive new transport strategy for the Mackay region.
As one of the fastest growing localities in the Mackay region, ensuring the transport network can support the community will be critical.
Mayor Greg Williamson said an action of the strategy was for council to prepare a local area transport plan for the Northern Beaches to support current and planned growth.
“Council has committed funds to start this project this financial year and has started early discussions with Transport and Main Roads (TMR),’’ Mayor Williamson said.
“This is important as TMR has to do its own planning in relation to helping ease congestion on Mackay-Bucasia Road to and from the Northern Beaches,’’ he said.
“Council wants to work with the State Government to ensure that together our plans and investment will support the community and ease congestion.”
The Mackay Region Integrated Transport Strategy 2021-2036 was adopted by an ordinary meeting of council today.
The Northern Beaches local area transport plan is one of about 27 actions identified in the document, with each to be worked towards over time.
“The transport strategy was developed in consultation with key stakeholders across the region, including community consultation through our Connecting Mackay website,” Mayor Williamson said.
“It is about ensuring we, as a council, are managing, planning and investing in the transport network so that it meets the broader council and community objectives,’’ he said.
“By doing this we will support the economy and leave a positive legacy for the future.”
Click here to view the full document.
Consultation has concluded