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Can I put these drink bottles in the yellow Recycling bin

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Admin Commented Waste Officer 2 about 5 years ago
If your water bottle is made from plastic, and it has the recycling symbol with the number 1 to 6 on the bottom of it, you can recycle it. Simply remove the lid before placing it into your yellow-lidded recycling bin. If your water bottle is made from steel or aluminium, please do not place these in your yellow-lidded recycling bin as we cannot separate and crush them at our Materials Recovery Facility. They can be dropped off at the Paget Transfer Station for recycling with other steel and aluminium products.
Share If your water bottle is made from plastic, and it has the recycling symbol with the number 1 to 6 on the bottom of it, you can recycle it. Simply remove the lid before placing it into your yellow-lidded recycling bin. If your water bottle is made from steel or aluminium, please do not place these in your yellow-lidded recycling bin as we cannot separate and crush them at our Materials Recovery Facility. They can be dropped off at the Paget Transfer Station for recycling with other steel and aluminium products. on Facebook Share If your water bottle is made from plastic, and it has the recycling symbol with the number 1 to 6 on the bottom of it, you can recycle it. Simply remove the lid before placing it into your yellow-lidded recycling bin. If your water bottle is made from steel or aluminium, please do not place these in your yellow-lidded recycling bin as we cannot separate and crush them at our Materials Recovery Facility. They can be dropped off at the Paget Transfer Station for recycling with other steel and aluminium products. on Twitter Share If your water bottle is made from plastic, and it has the recycling symbol with the number 1 to 6 on the bottom of it, you can recycle it. Simply remove the lid before placing it into your yellow-lidded recycling bin. If your water bottle is made from steel or aluminium, please do not place these in your yellow-lidded recycling bin as we cannot separate and crush them at our Materials Recovery Facility. They can be dropped off at the Paget Transfer Station for recycling with other steel and aluminium products. on Linkedin Email If your water bottle is made from plastic, and it has the recycling symbol with the number 1 to 6 on the bottom of it, you can recycle it. Simply remove the lid before placing it into your yellow-lidded recycling bin. If your water bottle is made from steel or aluminium, please do not place these in your yellow-lidded recycling bin as we cannot separate and crush them at our Materials Recovery Facility. They can be dropped off at the Paget Transfer Station for recycling with other steel and aluminium products. link