Mackay Waterfront attracts plenty of interest

Council received an excellent response to its Mackay Waterfront Expression of Interest (EOI) tender, with seven submissions received in total.

Of these, two companies have been shortlisted to proceed to the next stage of consultation.

They include Brisbane-based Sentinel Group Holding and local consortium ReNew Mackay Pty Ltd.

Mayor Greg Williamson said the quality of the submissions received was top-notch.

“As part of the Expression of Interest, we asked tenderers to identify potential development opportunities at six key council-owned sites within the Mackay Waterfront area,” he said.

“The submissions put forward some excellent ideas that we look forward to exploring in more detail.

“ReNew Mackay’s proposal included plans for luxury residential properties, retired living, commercial offices and tourism opportunities across the majority of the council-owned sites listed in the EOI, as well as adjoining privately-owned sites.

“The submission from Sentinel Group Holding focussed on the Gregory Street car park and included provision for a 4.5 star corporate hotel and a commercial, health and retail building. It also retained public car parking.

“The two submissions complement each other and provide great ideas for linkage through city laneways to ensure there is excellent connection through the City Centre.

“Ideas from each submission will be linked together to form a plan that will guide the overall vision for the Mackay Waterfront.”

There were six sites included as part of the Mackay Waterfront EOI including:

> Corner of Gregory and River streets (currently used as a car park)
> 12-18 Wood Street (currently the vacant former Retravision building)
> 1-5 Wood Street (currently vacant land around former Pioneer Shire Building)
> Corner of Brisbane and River streets (currently used as a car park)
> 8 River Street (currently a building with lessees)
> 6 River Street (currently a vacant building).

Council will now hold discussions with both shortlisted parties to reach the tender phase for each of these key areas in the New Year.

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