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Planning Update#3

Great work in progress!

Water play: Having this a nature based structure like Kershaw Gardens (Rockhampton) would stop it taking away from the scenery around.

Playground: You mention all ages, so I'm hoping that means teenagers as well as a Skate Park would be ideal for them.

Proposed Event Space: I'm sure you are aware of the drainage issues that this space has.

Parking: Extra parking on the beach side of the proposed events space would be handy.

Walkways: Great start but these need to be extended to Seaforth Creek and Finlayson's Point eventually.

Exercise: Adult exercise equipment in the Hub or along walkways would be beneficial.

Fishing: Fishing poonton would be amazing!

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Spud81 over 4 years ago
It would be great to have some signage about the history of the township, and a chance to involve the Yuwi people on the Aboriginal History of the area. It would be great for food vendors to be able to set up on weeknights/weekends so there is a bit of variety (coffee, decent fish and chips etc) available to locals and visitors.
Share It would be great to have some signage about the history of the township, and a chance to involve the Yuwi people on the Aboriginal History of the area. It would be great for food vendors to be able to set up on weeknights/weekends so there is a bit of variety (coffee, decent fish and chips etc) available to locals and visitors. on Facebook Share It would be great to have some signage about the history of the township, and a chance to involve the Yuwi people on the Aboriginal History of the area. It would be great for food vendors to be able to set up on weeknights/weekends so there is a bit of variety (coffee, decent fish and chips etc) available to locals and visitors. on Twitter Share It would be great to have some signage about the history of the township, and a chance to involve the Yuwi people on the Aboriginal History of the area. It would be great for food vendors to be able to set up on weeknights/weekends so there is a bit of variety (coffee, decent fish and chips etc) available to locals and visitors. on Linkedin Email It would be great to have some signage about the history of the township, and a chance to involve the Yuwi people on the Aboriginal History of the area. It would be great for food vendors to be able to set up on weeknights/weekends so there is a bit of variety (coffee, decent fish and chips etc) available to locals and visitors. link