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The hardest thing about living in North Queensland is that it’s warm enough to swim for nine months of the year but there is nowhere to swim if you can’t match the tide times. The obvious solution for the entire district, for both attracting tourists and for the local district would be to build a tidal pool so that everyone can swim when ever it suits them.

They need no daily maintenance as the water is refreshed on each high tide. It is completely chemical free as it’s just fresh ocean water each high tide. There are several others in Australia and none of them require lifeguards. They have become major draw-cards for their districts, with tourists travelling across the country to visit them. We would still need a Stinger net but outside of that it would allow us to swim whenever we could get to the beach. This in turn would mean our camping ground would be full all the time and that would inject major income capital into the Seaforth Area! As such it would be great to see power supplied to the Camping grounds. Please do something real for Seaforth! Walking paths and pretty playground equipment is fine for in the short-term BUT the demographic of Seaforth is not one of young families. it is largely older people and retirees and grey nomads in the camping grounds. Do something for us please! Yes it might cost more now but it would truly put Seaforth on the map!

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